Want to win a FREE Grass Daddy T-Shirt? Enter a photo of your lawn into the contest to win. It’s simple:
Step 1: Take an amazing photo of your lawn
Step 2: Follow Grass Daddy on Facebook https://ift.tt/2J9TX8m
Step 3: Find this week’s Lawn of the Week post, and post your photo as a comment! (I’ll “pin” the current week’s post to the top of the page to make it easy to find)
While you’re looking for free stuff, be sure to fill out my sticker request form. You’ll get a free Grass Daddy sticker PLUS if you win the Lawn of the Week contest I’ll know what shirt to send and where to send it 😉
Official Rules:
– You can only post one photo each week, and it has to be taken within that week. We all go through rough patches so I know it might not be perfect right now but when it is, enter to win 😉
– You can only win once. We don’t want Ryan entering and winning all the T-Shirts so to make it fair, you can only win once!
– You *CAN* ask friends to vote on your photo by liking. That’s OK. Just follow normal Facebook rules
– I’ll make my best attempt to send the requested shirt size and color but I have limited supplies. I’m going to try to keep “stock” of commonly requested sizes & colors so the more people that fill out the sticker request form the more idea I’ll have of what to keep on hand.
– I reserve the right to send T-Shirts randomly to people who fill out the sticker request form and didn’t win or even enter the contest.
– By submitting your photo to the contest you’re giving me permission to use the photos and post your “display name” as shown on Facebook. I won’t post locations or emails or what not but I’d like to give credit in future videos and posts 😉
#lawncare #lawnstripes #grassdaddy